Saturday, May 10, 2008

Little friend of a lifetime

The heartbreaking friendship between two tiny girls with cancer

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Hannah Forrester had put up with endless testing and prodding while doctors tried to work out what was wrong with her.

Throughout, she'd remained a happy and contented little girl. But when she was told she had cancer and that the medicine would make her long brown hair fall out, she stopped talking and refused to eat or drink.

When her mother Cathy tried to hug her, the distraught child pushed her away.

Then into her room one day walked Molly, a five-year-old on the same ward.

She, too, had cancer - a rare form called Wilms.

"She just walked into Hannah's room and introduced herself," recalls Cathy.

"She explained to Hannah: 'You need to take your medicine to make you better. Your hair will fall out like mine, but it doesn't matter. 'My mummy says it'll grow back as long as Rapunzel's.'

"To my astonishment, Hannah listened. Following Molly's lead, she snapped out of her depression and began co-operating with the doctors and nurses.

"It was the start of an incredible friendship for the girls."

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