Monday, May 5, 2008

Emergency contraception

The emergency pill is usually taken in two doses. The first must be taken within 72 hours (three days) of sex, and the second 12 hours later. However, Levonelle-2â requires the two tablets to be taken together, preferably within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. (NB: The original version of Levonelleâ is still taken in two doses, so check which type you have first.) Single dose emergency contraception is now emerging, too. It is currently most common to find the single tablet option in pharmacies, although NHS services will soon be catching up. Whether you receive a single tablet or two tablets, the methods are equally effective because the dose is the same.

Most types contain levels of synthetic oestrogen with progestogen - hormones that are similar to those found in the body - and work by preventing the egg from being implanted in the womb.

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