Monday, May 5, 2008

Are oil based lubricant are safe

Oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms, causing them to be ineffective. So if you use condoms during sexual contact, it's important not to use an oil-based lubricant.

Some oil-based lubricants may contain elements such as nut traces, which can trigger allergies. For this reason, always check the ingredients list, especially if you or your partner have allergic reactions.

To find out whether or not using oil could lead to an infection in the rectum it's best to seek advice from someone who is medically trained, for example a sexual health advisor at your local GUM clinic or your local doctor (GP). Alternatively you can get medical advice over the phone from a nurse via the fpa on 0845 310 1334.

Water-based lubricants are available free from most family planning clinics, GUM clinics and some GPs. If you're looking to buy in bulk you could try contacting a reputable condom distributor such as Durex or an online shop such as 14condoms.

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