Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Daily sex will boost sperm quality

Daily sex will boost your sperm quality and fertility, according to Sydney University team. This research finding busted the common myth that “frequent sex will enhance fertility”. Men generally abstain from sex before conceiving to increase their sperm count. Actually sperm quality rises with frequent sex especially for those with damaged sperm. Quantity may be increased due to abstinence but quality will be reduced.

Normal couple may abstain from sex for 2-3 days to enhance sperm count but men with damaged sperm should have frequent sex to enhance fertility. Australian researchers studied 42 men with damaged sperm to arrive at final conclusion. Daily sexual activity for one week enhanced their sperm quality (by reducing DNA damage) by more than 10% which can prevent miscarriages.

Frequent ejaculation will reduce sperm damage by decreasing the time spent in reproductive tract. Frequent masturbation will reduce prostate cancer risk by preventing the buildup of cancer causing chemicals in the prostate. Sperm stored in the Epidydimis will be destroyed by free radicals and reduce its quality. Frequent ejaculation will replace these damaged sperm and enhance fertility.

Frequent sex will not only help to raise the quality of sperm but also the quality of life by reducing stress. Have more sex and enjoy life.

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