Friday, May 16, 2008
How to Skip with s e x
You can skip having sex with the rest of your lives. Nothing will happen to you if you will stay virgin forever. Focus your attention with the things you would like to accomplish rather than looking for romance. Why can people live without having a relationship? It would be peaceful if people won't give more importance about having romance with other human. I knew people that does not have any interest in having sex with opposite sex. If majority can hold themselves without sex ,it could have lower the crimes and decrease the sex offenders in the world. Can anyone suggests how to make a medicine that can make all people loss their urge for sexual activities? Most crimes are related with sexual assaults and rapes. People will kill just to have sex with someone they like or a stranger.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
How to Improve Sex After Menopause
Assess your symptoms. Vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse and a lack of interest in sex are all common after menopause. Look at other parts of your life. Stress can affect your attitude toward sex and even how your body functions during the act. Life after menopause has challenges, such as concern for elderly parents and adult children, martial issues, an intense work life or the combination of all these issues.Talk about it. Experts suggest talking to your partner, but many readily admit this isn't easy. Consulting your doctor is also a good place to start.Investigate lubricants. Experts say to use water-soluble lubricants. Other types affect condom materials or create an atmosphere for bacteria to grow.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
How to read female body language signals
Firstly is she giving you more than one signal?. A flirty glance or a big smile may seem like she is interested but she may be like that all the time - or maybe it was not delivered with any real intent. Look for more than one little signal. The key to reading female body language is to look for clusters of signals.
Imagine if we could go into a social setting and be an investigator a modern day sleuth. We could interview, investigate and probe the other sex and find out what they actually are thinking when they smile, wink, play with their hair or just laugh like crazy?
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
~Mother Teresa
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.
~Albert Einstein
There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is God's finger on man's shoulder.
~Charles Morgan
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip.
~Jonathan Carroll, "Outside the Dog Museum"
Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs.
Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
~Eric Fromm
Infatuation is when you think he's as sexy as Robert Redford, as smart as Henry Kissinger, as noble as Ralph Nader, as funny as Woody Allen, and as athletic as Jimmy Conners. Love is when you realize that he's as sexy as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Ralph Nader, as athletic as Henry Kissinger and nothing like Robert Redford - but you'll take him anyway.
~Judith Viorst, Redbook, 1975
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.
~W. Somerset Maugham, A Writer's Notebook, 1949
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière
When love is not madness, it is not love.
~Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.
~Malagasy Proverb
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her.
~Author Unknown
For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
~Rosemonde Gerard
Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!
~Sandra J. Dykes
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.
~Mark Overby
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
~Author Unknown
Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.
~Author Unknown
Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endureth his torments willingly.
The lover is a monotheist who knows that other people worship different gods but cannot himself imagine that there could be other gods.
~Theodor Reik, Of Love and Lust, 1957
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
~Peter Ustinov
Drive Him Wild With These Dirty Talk Examples
Here are some different examples for different situations:
"Come here big boy" - In the bedroom this gives him the perception of the big protector, which turns him on.
"You are sexier/hotter then all of your friends" - After hanging out with his friends this will boost his confidence and show him you are attracted to him, which makes him more attracted to you!
"No one has ever turned me on like you" - While being intimate, make him feel unique.
"I can't wait to be alone with you" - While at relatives. Tease him! He will be thinking about you for hours.
"You have the nicest X I have ever seen" - Commenting on a body part. Just as you are insecure with certain body parts, so is he. Expose it, and show that you love it!
"ooh, you smell so delicious I just want to take a bite" (and then you softly put your teeth on his shoulder playfully) - When he wears his cologne for you, notice it and reward him.
Remember, when delivering these lines, use a very playful, tease-like tone, and if you stare him in the eyes during or after you say the above, he will be all over you!
Three Things Happy Couples Practice
Happy couples are deliberate about bringing more fun into their relationships. Fun is one of the main ingredients I observed when studying the happiest couples and there are three parts to fun that you can begin to practice right now.
One: Anticipation...
Looking forward to a good time is a big part of fun. Making a date, planning the date, getting ready for the date, talking about how much fun it is going to be and how much you are looking forward to it. The more you talk before the date, the more anticipation you are going to build up.
Two: The Actual Event...
Now it is time to practice being in the moment. Enjoy each moment. In life, "down" and "up" are just directions. You can laugh just as hard at breakdowns in your plan as you can when things go perfectly. Suspend judgments. Take what you get and make a game out of enjoying each moment as much as you can.
Three: Reflection...
Use the following days to talk about your experience. The moment the conversation goes away, so will the enjoyment that you experienced. It's like last Sunday's football game. It is not only fun to plan to go and then actually go to the game. It is also fun to talk about the game the days afterwards... rerunning every exciting part over and over.
The more you continue to surprise and delight each other, the more you'll want to be with each other in a romantic way versus a negative and unromantic way.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
How to spice up your sex after 20 years of marriage
there is an old saying, if you dont use it, YOU LOSE IT!!!
there is no specific technique to spicing up your sex-life. Its a personal journey that requires you to do what?
Thats right, you have to take the first step!!!
Thats all it takes, seriously!
1) start small - try flowers, kisses, romantic dinners
2) foreplay is not forgotten - dont forget the importance of foreplay, not just for sexual stimulation... but i imagine 20 years of marriage you get right to the point, right? Well, stop getting to the point. Sex is an adventure. Its supposed to fun and enjoyable. Climaxing is great, but so should be the hill that you climb up to that point
3) REGRESS TO YOUR 20s!!!! - it sounds lame to do all that small stuff, i mean afterall... you have been married 20 years. But the best way to re-train your behavior is start from scratch again.
4) Medical intervention - we have all seen all these damn commercials for viagra and extenz and etc etc.... I wouldn't recommend getting all wide-eyed.... If you are having some libido problems: try eating healthier, exercising.
in a recent study it found that eating properly and exercising only 20 minutes per week (YES PER WEEK!) increased libido and stamina for women and men 20%.
Little friend of a lifetime
The heartbreaking friendship between two tiny girls with cancer
Hannah Forrester had put up with endless testing and prodding while doctors tried to work out what was wrong with her.
Throughout, she'd remained a happy and contented little girl. But when she was told she had cancer and that the medicine would make her long brown hair fall out, she stopped talking and refused to eat or drink.
When her mother Cathy tried to hug her, the distraught child pushed her away.
Then into her room one day walked Molly, a five-year-old on the same ward.
She, too, had cancer - a rare form called Wilms.
"She just walked into Hannah's room and introduced herself," recalls Cathy.
"She explained to Hannah: 'You need to take your medicine to make you better. Your hair will fall out like mine, but it doesn't matter. 'My mummy says it'll grow back as long as Rapunzel's.'
"To my astonishment, Hannah listened. Following Molly's lead, she snapped out of her depression and began co-operating with the doctors and nurses.
"It was the start of an incredible friendship for the girls."
Women rape men when they have no one to have sex with
Mary Kay Leturno, 34, a secondary school teacher from Washington, the daughter of a family relations advocate and an ultra-conservative deputy representing California, the divorced woman having two children was sentenced to seven years in prison. Why? The prosecution states that the woman seduced a male student from Samoa who was 21 years younger than she. But the woman insists that she fell in love with the young man and he returned her feelings. Luckily, the story ended quite happily, and the woman was pardoned. The couple got two children. The second baby was conceived after Mary had been sentenced to three-month imprisonment and six months of rehabilitation at a Treatment Center for Pedophiles. The story is quite simple. If the boy looked older Mary would have never guessed she became a pedophile. Today, there are hundreds of lonely women in the prime of life seeking to apply their libido.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Male Pill, Enemas & More
A male contraceptive pill has been in the works for more than three decades now. What's taking so long? Well, from a scientific standpoint, a male pill is much more difficult to develop than the female version. After all, to achieve birth control in a woman, one only need block one egg a month. To do the same in a man would require shutting down each and every of the roughly 100 million sperm that are produced a day. Furthermore, this high degree of effectiveness would have to be achieved with minimal side effects.
In spite of such obstacles, the pharmaceutical industry has been pursuing a male contraceptive aggressively in recent years, driven by the knowledge that men account for nearly a third of the market (even though women have a much wider range of options).
With the recent announcement that the National Institute of Child Health and Development will be assisting federal agencies and drug companies in this field of development, many now expect to see a male pill on the market in the next five years.
Don't expect it to take the form of an actual "pill," however. The general trend in recent research indicates that the first male contraceptive will probably be an implant of female hormones, topped with monthly testosterone injections to offset their side effects.
Attractive Wives
Robert was in his usual place in the morning, sitting at the table, reading the paper after breakfast.
He came across an article about a beautiful actress that was about to marry a football player, who was known primarily for his lack of IQ and common knowledge.
He turned to his wife with a look of question on his face. "I'll never understand why the biggest jerks get the most attractive wives."
Robert's wife replied, "Why thank you, dear!"
During female ejaculation
Once she starts to ejaculate, a clear fluid will squirt or sprinkle out of her urethra. It can be quite a lot (about ¼ cup sometimes), so it may be a good idea to keep a towel handy, or put one underneath her if this is a concern. If mess is a real bother, try doing it in the bathroom or prepare your surface properly.
Does size matter? Condom industry debates
As the world’s top condom experts convene this week to update international standards, one American entrepreneur has a simple message: Size matters.
It’s shaking up an industry that has generally taken a one-size-fits-all approach.
Frank Sadlo, founder of TheyFit, which makes what he claims are the world’s first custom-fit condoms, is pushing for updated standards to allow greater variation in condom size.
breaking condoms
Whenever my boyfriend and I have sex, our condoms break.
If used correctly, condoms shouldn’t break -- it makes no difference how passionate, rigorous or earth-shattering your sex is. There a few factors, however, that might cause ripping. We can rule out leaving enough room at the reservoir (or the tip), since you already pinch the air out. Other culprits of condom breakage do exist, however, like storing the condoms in hot temperatures, using them beyond their expiration date or using them more than once.
Another possibility is that you’re not using the right size of condom for your boyfriend’s penis. Next time he rolls on a condom, check to see if it covers the entire shaft or if it looks too tight. If so, larger condoms exist for men with penises that measure over seven inches.
Old man holding middle finger and showing tongue
The doctor was surprised to find old man Jones sitting on the bed holding up his middle finger and sticking out his tongue. He walked over to the nurse who was taking his vitals.
“Excuse me,” said the doctor, “but why is Mr. Jones sitting like that?”
The nurse replied, “I told him you were going to examine his sexual organs.”
Irregular menstruation
Q. I am 26 yrs old and have irregular menstruation from a long time. I am undergoing medication. Currently I am on Triquilar. I took this medicine for about 6 months and my periods was regular. I stopped it for a month to check the cycle and I skipped my periods. I have started taking the medicines again. I work in an IT industry and unmarried. I have undergone scanning and my reports are normal. Should I continue this medication? Often I see white discharges when I urinate? Is this normal?
A. You should do a hormone check to make sure there is no problem.
If you have always been getting irregular periods, then it may be a good idea to take cyclical pills for about a year at a time.
If there is infrequent white discharge without any burning or itching you can neglect it for a moment.
Caught boyfriend masturbating red-handed
Q. I caught my boyfriend masturbating in the shower. I felt threatened by this as I thought we had a good sex life and didn't know how to handle it. What should I have done?
A. Dear, just wrap your hand around that big boy and stroke! Kidding aside, masturbation is normal in fact most males practice it as routinely as brushing their teeth and a good finger romp is almost as common among females. You need not feel threatened for a bit of "dancing with Rosie" is certainly not the same as him screwing some other girl. You say that you have a great sex life, why not show each other how you like to masturbate and use it as part of foreplay or instead of regular intercourse.
Will swallowing sperm make wife gain weight
There are many ingredients in semen: Vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12 and zinc. The caloric content of an average ejaculate is estimated to be approximately 5 to 25 calories -- hardly the most fattening meal. And should you wonder if semen is a good source of protein, its content is roughly equivalent to that found in the egg white of a large egg. So she's probably best off sticking with eggs!
Can Television or Media he helpful in promoting sex education?
Television can be a very effective medium for a multitude of reasons (As it is basically an audiovisual medium it can reach out to the illiterate as well as the literate masses). ‘Sex’ is considered a taboo in our orthodox society. If sex education were to be given via a public mass medium such as television, ii would reflect the government’s healthy attitude towards the issue and can decrease the social taboos significantly. Because of its tremendous reach, it will increase public awareness and pave the way towards ‘ii honest social environment and sexual literacy.
It is a medium through which education may be passively imparted to the masses, in the privacy of their homes. Thus, shy individuals who are unable to ask questions or seek help are also provided with the information they desire. Proper information about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases can help in spreading information about Family Planning and also decrease the incidence of STD’s. The potential for television, as an effective medium for sex education, is unlimited.
What is Sex Education?
Sex education ideally involves education about the anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system, conception, contraception, psycho-sexuality, sexual differences and the constituents of love as they relate to sexual behavior, and is not merely a discussion on how babies are made. It provides a background in which an individual develops into a healthy, responsible adult capable of using the innate sex instinct to the fullest potential, without being obsessed by it. It enables one to recognize and be comfortable with one’s sexuality.
Active Sex Life affects in Later Age
Can a very active sex life in the early years affect one’s sexual life later?
A very active sexual life in youth does not precipitate an early termination of the sex drive or capacity. On the contrary, persons having a strong sexual interest and capacity in the early years are more likely to retain the same in the later years. This was confirmed by a longitudinal study on sexual behavior and old age.
What are the most common conditions which could decrease sex drive in later years?
The common reasons for a reduced sex drive in later years are
1. Monotony and loss of interest
2. Changes in physical appearance
3. Misconceptions about one’s waning sexuality
4. Lack of communication
5. Depression
Meet Your Love In a Public Place
It can be very intimidating for some people to approach someone they see in public and ask them on a date. But if you’re not even trying, the likelihood of finding that special someone is slim to none.
I’ve had friends that said they saw a gorgeous girl in a store or a public place and thought she might have been into them but they hesitated and she left so they lost the opportunity to find out. But don’t worry, you can approach them and find out, and more often than not, even get a date!
This how to video shows you how to properly approach someone when on public transportation but the same exact tips can and should be applied to any public situation. You might be waiting in a dentist’s office or Supercuts, standing in line at Quiznos, or sitting in a Starbucks. It doesn’t matter, the same advice holds true.
Remember, if you don’t even try, it’s so much more difficult to meet someone. Even if you’re turned down, who will know? Chances are you’ll never see her or anyone else that’s around again. So you really have nothing to lose but you have everything to gain! She could be the one and if not, “there are many other fish in the sea.”
Most of my friends that didn’t “make a move” eventually met someone but it took a lot longer for them than it should have and in most of those cases it was people they already knew well. Don’t hesitate, try chatting up the next attractive person you see. Believe me it works, I know from experience; it’s how I met my wife.
Easy Dating after divorce
Easy dating can seem like a strange world, especially if you've been divorced not long ago. The rules have changed, the players can seem more complex and winning might appear hopeless if you aren't prepared.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.3 million Americans get divorced each year. But all is not lost. It is possible to date after divorce if you follow some basic pointers.
"You don't want to meet someone and the slightest behavior pattern that is similar to the ex, you pull away and not give that person a chance," says Cornish, author of The Sacred Bond. "When someone gets divorced, sometimes they build a protective coat around their heart. You want to make sure you are completely over that before dating again."
Striking the right balance when dating after divorce can be especially sensitive when children are involved.
"Do not get children involved in dating unless you are going to spend a lot of time with that person," says Cornish. "If it doesn't work, you are bringing all kinds of people in their life and you can send mixed messages. If the children are older, you can tell them that you are dating and that you'd like for them to meet the person. When the children are younger, leave them out of it because resentment can set up. Get to know the person first."
Dating after divorce also means giving yourself permission to be happy again. This means learning how to have fun, she says, as you date. "The old relationship is gone. Realize you are worthwhile and others want you. Realize you are attractive and you are supposed to have fun."
Carla Fox of Joliet, IL, was married for 15 years before she divorced in 1998. When she was ready to start dating again, she used God as her guide and details those experiences in the book A Miracle Made In Heaven.
"God does not use divorce as a life sentence of loneliness," Fox recalls in the book, as she realized that she could still be blessed in a relationship in spite of her divorce.
Also a registered nurse, Fox learned that you must keep both eyes open when trudging dating waters once more.
"Don't be sidetracked by what you see, such as their attractive appearance or the many gifts they bring. It's so easy to get caught up looking at an individual in the natural. Pray and ask God to help you see them through spiritual eyes, so you can begin to examine their fruits of the spirit."
She practiced what she preached. It led to a trip down the aisle in 2002 when she wed Pastor Robert Fox.
"You have to divorce yourself from the individual and not the institution of marriage," she says. "The marriage did not hurt you, the individual did. Then you start with a clean slate."
Dating after divorce, says Fox, also means you must accept that this new person might not be empty-handed.
"They may come with children, a house note, car note and bad credit from a previous marriage. You can't want this person without any baggage, but inspect each other's baggage. It's not so much on the physical."
Robert LeCruise Johnson has been divorced for nearly five years. Since dating, he has learned that it is essential to communicate.
"When you're not looking to get back into a relationship right away, you have to let a person know that," says Johnson, an account manager at FedEx Freight in Memphis. "One thing I've noticed as I get older is feeling pressured to get into a relationship. You want to be a person's friend and get to know that person first so that you know what the person wants. You have to know who you are dealing with. Talk first to see what the person's motivation is."
He has found that dating after divorce means taking the time to be a friend first and foremost.
"Be a person's friend. That way you know what a person wants," says Johnson. "Sometimes there are hidden agendas when you don't discuss it. When you are a person's friend, you get to know that person and what he or she wants."
Clinical psychologist Dr. Darlene Powell-Garlington says you must be selective when dating after divorce.
"People are anxious about stepping out again and getting to know someone again," explains Powell-Garlington, who authored Love Affairs: How To Get The Relationship You've Always Wanted And God Wants You To Have. "There is a certain sense of shame and sense of failure. It's a matter of being discreet and clear about your boundaries. Be assertive and clear about what pace you want to take a new friendship and how you define it."
She also believes a person must be aware of what he wants before dating after divorce.
ways to enhance your oral expertise
1- Start slow
Kiss your way down her body and tease her thighs and buttocks for a while before you make contact with any part of her genitalia. This will turn her on before you start the real action. Get close so that she thinks you're going to zero in on her at any second, but don't give in immediately.
2- Warm her up
Before you remove her underwear, breathe hot air through it against her genital area. Breathe softly but warmly for short bursts at a time. You can alternate between doing this and kissing her thighs and stomach.
3- Don't dive in
When you begin to kiss and lick her vulva, work your way in slowly from the outside. Start by licking the outer edges of the outer lips (labia), then very slowly spread them, and lick and kiss the inner lips, and around the vagina. Do this gently, as though you were still teasing her. You'll work your way up to more intense action eventually.
The top 5 female erogenous zones
The neck
Apart from being sexy and attractive, the female neck is perhaps one of the most sensitive areas of her body. Softly kissing this area from her shoulder to below her ear (while at the same time massaging it with your tongue will send tingles and pulses up and down her spine. Keep at it and she will be breathing heavily in a very short period of time.
The ear lobes
Sucking ear lobes isn't for everyone. Some girls get the tickles when you do it but others simply adore it. While you're there you can whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Close facial contact is what she likes so this is a good way to do it if you're fed up with kissing on the lips. Also massaging her ear lobes with your fingers from time to time can be very soothing.
The nipples
On a par with the neck for sensitivity, the female nipples become hard and sit up right when stimulated with your tongue. Don't forget to give both breasts even attention and also kiss down in between her breasts as you work your way between both of them. If she hasn't grabbed your head by this stage and held it into her bosom, something's badly wrong.
The belly button
Working your way down her body, the belly button is another area you should stimulate before full intercourse. Kissing this area with your lips and tongue will cause vibrations that will vibrate through her reproductive area and begin to stimulate her G spot.
The G Spot
Ah the G spot. This holy grail legend of the female anatomy can be tricky to find. So if the chance arises, ask her if she has already found her G spot and let her point you in the right direction.
Health benefits of regular Sex?
Sex is not only a pleasurable thing but also has a wonderful health benefits. CBS News published a good article on the 10 health benefits of having regular intercourse. In modern stressful life, sex is a wonderful stress reliever. 10 health benefits of daily sex:
1. Decrease in blood pressure due to stress reduction.
2. Improvement in immunity due to release of antibodies.
3. It is a wonderful exercise.
4. It strengthens pelvic muscles.
5. Regular intercourse protects from heart diseases due to happy relations.
6. It improves one’s self confidence.
7. Daily intercourse improves relations between couple.
8. It reduces pain.
9. Sex reduces prostate cancer risk in men.
10. You can sleep better after good sex session.
Viagra for women - Is it enough?
German drugmaker Boehringer Ingelheim accidentally discovered Viagra for women. The company is originally doing research on Anti depressants. But, clinical trials provided surprise results. The drug actually increased sexual urge.
Business week published an article on Viagra for women. Read it.
According the Pfizer, the drug's manufacturer, Viagra has been prescribed for some 150,000 women.
Female sexual dysfunction is characterized by a lack of desire, arousal and orgasm. Hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, thyroid disorders, neurological diseases and autoimmune disorders like lupus can all contribute to a woman's lack of sexual desire. But, Women's lack of sexual desire is mainly attributed to psychological reasons instead of physical reasons.
Viagra works for both men and women by increasing the blood flow to the genitals. Women need this blood flow, just as men do, to achieve sexual arousal. But, psychological aspect is need to be addressed through the advice of psychiatrist or sexologist.
Mens are not using Condoms
0% of men over 40 years of age are having unsafe sex, according to a national survey in Australia. These old are putting their partner at risk due to these unprotected sex practices. This is very high among rural and uneducated men. This unsafe sex practice is higher than young man. They are not using condoms due to lack of sexual health awareness and carelessness. Most surprising and risky finding is 30% of surveyed men never used condom in their life. The survey was done by Monash University on 5990 men aged over 40 by telephone interview. They are regularly participating in casual sex without using condoms and are playing major role in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. 90% of them had sex in the past one year and are having regular partner.
This rate will be very high in developing countries due to low sex health education. Use of condoms will reduce the spread of STDs.
Erectile Dysfunction: early indicator of heart disease
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is significant as it is an early indicator of underlying vascular disease. Erectile dysfunction or Impotence which is generally caused by decreased blood flow to the penis is generally an early indicator of coronary artery disease. ED is a strong risk factor for underlying heart disease. This research study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Impotence is an sex problem in which man failed to keep erection to satisfy the needs of the female partner. Around 25 million American men are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. 10% of men are suffering from impotence all over the world but few are getting treatment. ED severly impacts man's ego and most of them never share this erection problem with anyone.
Erectile Dysfunction is not only caused by vascular disease but also due to neurological and physiological factors. But every ED patient should be evaluated for heart disease especially coronary artery disease. We should aggressively control blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels in these patients.
But according to new research studies, sex is not as dangerous as many think in heart failure patients. But these patients lose interest in sex mainly due to depression and drug side effects.
Daily sex will boost sperm quality
Daily sex will boost your sperm quality and fertility, according to Sydney University team. This research finding busted the common myth that “frequent sex will enhance fertility”. Men generally abstain from sex before conceiving to increase their sperm count. Actually sperm quality rises with frequent sex especially for those with damaged sperm. Quantity may be increased due to abstinence but quality will be reduced.
Normal couple may abstain from sex for 2-3 days to enhance sperm count but men with damaged sperm should have frequent sex to enhance fertility. Australian researchers studied 42 men with damaged sperm to arrive at final conclusion. Daily sexual activity for one week enhanced their sperm quality (by reducing DNA damage) by more than 10% which can prevent miscarriages.
Frequent ejaculation will reduce sperm damage by decreasing the time spent in reproductive tract. Frequent masturbation will reduce prostate cancer risk by preventing the buildup of cancer causing chemicals in the prostate. Sperm stored in the Epidydimis will be destroyed by free radicals and reduce its quality. Frequent ejaculation will replace these damaged sperm and enhance fertility.
Frequent sex will not only help to raise the quality of sperm but also the quality of life by reducing stress. Have more sex and enjoy life.
Circumcision does not protect men from sexual diseases
Another sexual health myth was busted. Contrary to popular opinion, Circumcision does not protect men from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). This was revealed in a study by New Zealand researchers on 499 men of which 40% were circumscribed. 23.4% of circumscribed men reported having had any type of sexual disease by age 32. This was 23.5% in uncircumcised men. Researchers took sexual behaviours and socioeconomic factors into consideration.
Most common Sexual Transmitted diseases:
1. Genital warts.
2. Chlamydia.
3. Genital herpes.
This research study was published in the Journal of Pediatrics. Another study by New Zealand researchers found 50% reduction in getting STDs in circumscribed men.
Scientific community has divided opinion on the health benefits of Circumcision and its role in attaining sexual satisfaction. Nerve rich foreskin plays vital role in getting sexual orgasm in uncircumcised men but it also cause pain in some men during intercourse.
Viagra side effects
1. Head ache.
2. Facial flushing.
3. Dizzyness.
4. Diarrhoea.
5. Stomach upset.
6. Stuffy nose.
7. Prolonged erection (more than 3 hours).
8. Loss of vision is a very rare serious side effect.
Congrats to Pfizer scientists for discovering this magic blue pill that changed the sexual lives of many men over the last decade. Happy Birthday to Viagra. Viagra is a blue diamond for males.
Monday, May 5, 2008
vibrating panties
One of the most interesting and simple device among the discreet sex toys is Vibrating Panty worn by females for self-gratification.
The vibrating panties look like the normal piece of female lingerie featuring the vibrating bullet that comes in contact with the genitalia: clitoris and labia, delivering the fantastic sensations.
So this panty is lingerie and a sex toy at the same time.
The best way to relax for some women is to be satisfied sexually. But very often the partner is not available, thus sex toys may occur very useful.
The using of vibrating panties is very easy. You take on the panties and activate the vibrator that is inserted before.
Usually panties come with a remote control panel that uses the simple batteries. So, relax, turn on your favorite music and start with the lowest speed.
The speed can be increased easily, if you feel that all that you need is more intensive vibrations.
Top 10 Very Early Pregnancy Signs
Some women don't have any symptoms at all. Some women have a few of these presented below. Some women may have others that are not listed. These pregnancy symptoms tend to be
the most prevalent, however.
1. Fatigue. Due to the increase in hormone levels, most women begin to feel extreme fatigue in early pregnancy.
2. Sore breasts and/or nipples. Many women feel that their breasts are fuller and more tender with their nipples being more sensitive during early pregnancy.
3. Cramping and/or bloating. This early pregnancy symptom tends to feel very much like your period is coming.
4. Light bleeding. This light spotting is caused by the fertilized egg embedding into the lining of the uterus. Many women feel that their period is beginning, but it is actually one of their first signs of pregnancy.
5. Nausea and/or vomiting. Normally, morning sickness won't occur until about a month after conception, and some escape this pregnancy symptom altogether.
6. Increased urination. This symptom of early pregnancy occurs due to the increase in blood and other body fluids, which is processed by the kidneys and ends up in the bladder. This increase in urination will most likely only worsen as your pregnancy progresses.
7. Missed period. This pregnancy symptom is the first sign to some women that they are pregnant, especially with menstrual periods that are pretty regular.
8. Increased sensitivity to odors. This early pregnancy symptom may be due to increased estrogen levels, but no one knows for sure.
9. Basal body temperature stays high. If you're charting your basal body temperature, one of the very early pregnancy signs is a higher-than-normal temperature for that time of the month due to increasing progesterone levels in early pregnancy.
10. Positive pregnancy test . Most pregnancy tests will not detect early pregnancy until your menstrual period is missed. Some tests are more highly sensitive, however, and can detect pregnancy as early as a few days after conception.
Men 'not interested in sex'
Changing sexual roles for men and women and increasing rates of depression among men could be some of the reasons behind the change, he added.
Professor Michael King, of the Royal Free and University College Medical School in London, has completed a study into mental illness across six countries which found that the rate of major depression and panic syndrome was highest among men in the UK.
“Men are most likely to suffer depression between the ages of 30 and 50,” he said.
“One of the explanations is that men are less able to talk about their problems than women or express their emotions.”
A happy marriage is good for your blood pressure, finds study...
"When people are depressed they feel more insecure about their relationships and concerned that their partner may not care about them or find them valuable," said Dr Allen, who is based at Melbourne's Monash University.
"Having sex helps them feel that closeness and security."
Turning to depressed single women, she said she had found a trend towards more casual sex than with happier singles.
After delivering her findings to the conference, Dr Allen was asked whether having sex could be an effective aid for lessening or beating depression.
"We really don't know but we presume it helps as it gives these women opportunities to be close to their partner and loved," she said.
Why women enjoy s e x more on certain days
Monthly mood swings may help women to get pregnant, according to a new study.
A team of US scientists have discovered that fluctuations in levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen affect the responsiveness of the brain's "reward system", with a peak in the first part of the menstrual cycle.
This reward system dictates the amount of pleasure attained from various activities, whether it be from having sex or from eating chocolate.
"Increased activity of the brain's reward system at this time could boost anticipation and enjoyment of sexual activity," said Dr Karen Berman of the US National Institute of Mental Health, who worked on the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"This demonstrates for the first time that female hormones affect the reward system in very specific ways during particular parts of the cycle," added Dr Berman, who went on to stress that the results did not mean that women are more emotional or vulnerable to hormones than men.
14 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water !
Over 70 % of the adult body is made of water. Our body cannot function without water : a human will die faster of thirst than of hunger. A 68 kg person has about 40 liters of water in the body. 23-26% is found inside the cells, 7,5 % in the space between the cells and up to 4 liters in the blood. This volume must be kept constant. Food does not deliver enough moisture; doctors say we should drink two liters of water daily, since our body eliminates water through urine, sweat (we sweat even when temperature is under 0), feces and breath.
Water is never enough: you will compensate for the body's ability to eliminate water (a state called hyperhydration) only by drinking over 7.5 liters of water in 24 hours. Here are 14 reasons why you should drink a sufficient amount of water daily :
1. Dehydration (lower water amount) affects body functioning - Digestion, excretion and the constant maintenance of the body temperature cannot be ensured if water is under the normal levels in the body. The water balance is connected to the electrolyte levels (mineral salts blood ratio). The sodium level in the blood is the source which can ‘tell’ us the hydration level in our body. When there is too much sodium in the blood, the body retains water to dilute the sodium excess and less urine is produced.
2. Thirst - this is a sensation forming in the brain nuclei, which can be easily ‘cheated’. That's why dehydration may not cause immediate thirst. You may be dehydrated without being thirsty. When you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Dehydration and thirst are more connected when you practice sports.
3. Diet - Dieting means eating less, and since foods can be an important source of water for our body, you must replace the water ingested through food by drinking that equal amount.
4. Temperature - Heat boosts the required amount of water, as you sweat more to cool down the body. Water consume must increase during summer. The same happens during exercising: muscular contraction releases heat, the body temperature increases, and so does sweating. An adult needs one extra liter of water for each hour of exercising.
5. Kidney - Chronic dehydration has been connected to the development of kidney calculi. This works also for chronic urinary infections. Also the kidneys work better with abundant water.
6. Skin - Aging skin loses water. Hydrated skin is smoother and healthier. Water feeds the skin and cleans the body of toxins, that’s why hydrated skin looks healthy and shiny.
7. Toxins - Water is involved in all the metabolic reactions. Diets rich in proteins require higher amounts of water, because higher amounts of toxic nitrogen compounds form and they are easier to be eliminated by the organism in the presence of abundant water (because kidney and sweat glands work faster).
8. Diuresis - Water ingestion speeds up the elimination of liquids and drugs from the organism.
9. Aging - In case of elder people, the sensation of thirst decreases, especially if they are sedentary or suffer from dementia. Their kidneys lose more water and they should drink a cup of water every two hours.
10. Slimming – Water has no calories. Drink water before eating, and it will decrease the sensation of an ‘empty stomach’, the hunger sensation. Do not drink water after eating! This will dilute the ingested food, which will pass faster through the stomach and hunger sensation will return earlier. Also, water dilutes the digestive juices in the stomach.
11. Vomits - People may not realize that through vomiting they lose huge amounts of water and electrolytes. Diarrhea and fever (through sweat) too have the same effect and the body loses sodium and potassium, which are very important in the water balance. Up to 4 liters daily can be lost through severe vomiting or diarrhea, that's why salts must have a replacement. Isotonic drinks or alkaline solutions are recommended, too.
12. Diabetes – the only symptoms of the diabetes insipidus are the exaggerated thirst and the excessive amount of urine. It can start gradually or suddenly at any age and it is the result of a deficiency of antidiuretic hormones, which limit the production of excessive urine. A person can drink enormous amounts (4 to 30 liters) of liquid to compensate the loss produced by so much urine.
13. Coffee and tea – caffeine is a mild diuretic, speeding up the urination cycle, but at the same time, it "steals" the calcium and electrolytes (that are eliminated through urine). Coffee also increases water loss through feces, since it functions as a laxative.
14. Alcohol – you say that you're going to get hydrated with a beer. That's false: you're going to lose more water. It's not only about the diuretic effect of the beer. After a drinking bout, on average 3 glasses of water are required to rehydrate your body. Because by drinking you lose many fluids, going to bed dehydrated will make the body unable to eliminate the alcohol, and (in concentrated levels) the alcohol will induce nasty effects in time.
Why haven’t we been told? Homosexuality in animals
Homosexuality in animals has been known since Antiquity, but has only recently made it into mainstream science. The cause may be a lack of interest, distaste, fear of ridicule, or scientists fearing to lose their grants. The few scientists publishing papers on the topic, often made sure their own sexual preferences were known, directly or indirectly.
Some scientists have interpreted same-sex pairing as anything but sex. In a study of giraffes in Africa a researcher registered all cases where a male sniffed a female as “sexual interest” – while anal intercourse with ejaculation between males was registered as a form of ritualised fighting (“sparring”), despite the fact that 94% of all registered sexual activity in one area took place between males. Only recently has scientists started investigating homosexuality in animals in earnest.
The earliest known mention of animal homosexuality is found in a 2300 year old description of hyenas by Aristotle. Hyena clitoris and labia look like a penis and scrotum, and this made him believe all hyenas are male. Sex between the females is not uncommon, so Aristotle was right in describing them as homosexuals, only they where lesbians rather than gays!
Reason For Pleasure
"When I'm about to climax during oral sex,my husband flicks his tongue really fast along the length of my clitoris. A few seconds of that, and walls shake."
Why it works: Most men think of the clitoris as just that little bud under the hood, but it actually extends deep inside a woman's body, explains Paget. When you flick your tongue quickly along its shaft, you're not only covering more territory, you're also creating vibrations that help carry your stimulation beyond the tongue's reach.
How to do it: The key here is to make sure that the clitoral hood is out of the way. Don't be afraid to pull it back gently and then make quick, darting motions with your tongue as far down along the tiny shaft as your tongue can go.
"I love it when my man makes circles around my breast with his finger or tongue before coming in for a nipple landing."
Why it works: Like the ripples that circle out when you throw a rock into a pond, concentric zones of sensitivity radiate outward from a woman's hot spots. "The area surrounding erogenous zones such as the nipples tends to be highly sensitive, too," says Linda DeVillers, Ph.D., a California psychologist and author of LoveSkills.
How to do it: Begin right at the point where her breast starts to rise from her chest, and spiral slowly inward with your fingertips until you reach the nipple. Once you hit the bull's-eye, suck and gently bite. To really tease her, try circling in until you just brush her nipple, then pulling back out for another tantalizing spin.
Myth: Woman need a long foreplay to get aroused
Many men still believe that the longer they linger on a foreplay, the more aroused a woman would be. However, this is not always true. Besides the fact that different woman require different time for a foreplay, sexual needs of one woman can be changeable as well. The main thing is not the length of the time spent on a foreplay but an excitement that this foreplay brings in. You may get aroused from a kiss one time or require a long indulging massage before the intercourse, this depends on a great number of factors such as your mood, your well-being and many other concerns.
Sex tip: Watch over your partner's reaction to understand what is the right time for a foreplay and where should you proceed to the intercourse or otherwise prolong pleasure.
Convince Her To Like You
What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just notinterested?
Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently.
Never, ever, EVER.
You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning".
Think about it.
If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her?
But we all do it.
When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind.
Bad idea. One that will never work.Massage therapy
Massages have been long-known to bring excellent physical benefits to anyone who gets a healthy rubdown. The careful kneading of our tissues through Oriental-based shiatsu or Swedish styles increases overall circulation, loosens stiff joints and can ease nagging and chronic pain. It's no wonder that a regular 60-minute massage can bring with it a plethora of positives for someone being treated for cancer.
A good massage will aid cancer patients on a psychological and physical level. Because it's a comforting act in itself, massages will quickly ease stress and induce feelings of relaxation and tranquility. Physically, the aforementioned increase in circulation can actually increase the potency of the immune system and thereby improve overall health. In addition, some patients find that a massage can help them get much-needed rest, while others will leave a session with an added sense of energy. More research needs to be done on massage therapy as a form of complementary cancer treatment, but it's worth noting that early studies have shown that shiatsu techniques can make it more difficult for tumors to grow. Until there are more answers, cancer patients can still reap the benefits of the massage, so long as they avoid it right after surgery or chemotherapy treatments.
Small-Penis Syndrome Common
Eighty-five percent of women are pleased with their partner's penis proportions -- yet many normal men suffer "small-penis syndrome," urologists report.
Small-penis syndrome is the anxiety of thinking one's penis is too small -- even though it isn't. It's a totally different condition from having a truly tiny tinkler, a condition known by the cold, clinical name of micropenis.
Urologists Kevan R. Wylie of Royal Hallemshire Hospital and Ian Eardley of St. James Hospital in Leeds, England, review the literature on penis size in the June issue of the urology journal BJU International. They urge doctors not to laugh away these very real worries over an imaginary defect.
"It is very common for men to worry about the size of their penis," Wylie says in a news release. "It is important that these concerns aren't dismissed as this can heighten concerns and anxieties."
Wylie and Eardley note that studies of penis size are remarkably consistent. The average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference at midshaft.
Is sex the real problem?
Counsellors often find that lack of sexual desire stems from a basic dissatisfaction within a couple's relationship. Common problems include:
- drifting apart and losing touch
- feeling taken for granted or neglected
- frequent arguments, nagging
- problems such as money worries, family conflict, work-related stress affairs
Problems like these need working through, since only when you feel better about your relationship is there a chance of your sex life improving. Try talking with your partner about how to make things better. Counselling can be very helpful if your problems seem too daunting to tackle alone.
Sexy Silk Lingerie
When she must have the best and anything less than pure silk next to her body simply won't do, Leigh Bantivoglio's Victoria Blossom Camisole and matching lace-edge tap pants will have her dancing with delight. Sexy and luxurious, the lingerie set only comes in one color combination: ruby red accented with black lace. Anything else would be less than perfect.
Honeymoon Ideas and Answer
If you are both sexually experienced, this is not an issue. Leap into bed. Just do it.
If one or both of you is virginal or completely sexually inexperienced then this may help.
There is no necessity to do the deed on the honeymoon night. You can wait until the next day. Most newlyweds are deeply exhausted after the wedding day and travelling and just cuddling each other asleep is quite sensible.
Basic beginner sex, if you are both keen, and I hope you both are, is pretty automatic. Kiss, hug, stroke, caress, touch breasts, touch genitals and get decently aroused. SLOWLY SLOWLY. Women take longer, especially if nervous. When aroused, her vagina will relax and secrete a lubricating liquid. The man must not move in for penetration until she feels very wet to the touch and can take two fingers easily.
If she is a virgin, the hymen, or maidenhead, partially obstructs the vagina and he won't be able to penetrate. Sometimes hymens are broken already by other causes or simply not present. She is still a virgin but its all a bit easier.
The hymen must be stretched open. Usually it tears and there is a little blood and pain. I find the best approach is to have the woman squat above the man, who lies on his back. She is facing him and she lowers herself onto his penis. She controls the degree of penetration and will take it slowly, even stop-start a few times. Lots of lubrication is needed. if necessary wet the penis with saliva or gel. When she is ready she will probably do a sudden little thrust and its done. He should participate actively thoughout this by continuing to stroke, caress and knead her body and breasts, but please avoid thrusting upwards.
Hymens that don't break are a problem, if very uncommon. Stretching them with fingers can work. Go slowly. Sometimes they must be snipped by a medical professional.
Remember contraception. Skin on skin is nicest for honeymoons so pills, creams, foams are good, but HIV tests are sensible before non-barrier contraception.
What if he doesn't like my body?
With often unattainable superbods gracing mags and media, body image has a lot to answer for and can affect your ability to enjoy sex. What's important to remember is that whatever your body shape is, your partner will be more bothered about whether you're having a good time than about your allegedly wobbly thighs or skinny arms. He's probably not perfect either but if you both relax, the sex will follow suit.
What are the causes of impotence?
There are numerous different causes of impotence. In young, healthy men, difficulty gaining or sustaining an erection is most often associated with psychological factors, but there is sometimes a physical cause. Sometimes it's a mixture of the two.
- Psychological: Performance anxiety, relationship problems, depression, stress, fatigue, loss of interest in sex.
- Physical: Diabetes, vascular disease, spinal cord injury, surgery, some prescription medicines, smoking, drinking, drug abuse, hormonal imbalance, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis.
What is impotence?
A term used to describe the inability some men experience in achieving or maintaining a full erection. It's estimated that 1 in 10 British men suffer from impotence, or erectile dysfunction, at some stage in their lives. This can mean men who are unable to get an erection at all, to those who find their erections aren't firm enough to achieve satisfactory sexual intercourse.
Have a laugh
It's only perfect in the movies. Nobody's psychic. You have to tell one another what you like and want, and if you're not enjoying something then don't be scared to ask for something different instead. If you are pulling out all of the stops to please your new partner, make sure they make an effort to do something pleasurable for you too - there should be some give and take.
Keep a sense of humour at all times, and if you fall out of bed or get cramp in your toes then laugh it off instead of getting embarrassed or worried. Even if you cringe at the time, it could be something you both look back on later with a warm fuzzy glow. "Remember the time when we. . .?"
Emergency contraception
The emergency pill is usually taken in two doses. The first must be taken within 72 hours (three days) of sex, and the second 12 hours later. However, Levonelle-2â requires the two tablets to be taken together, preferably within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. (NB: The original version of Levonelleâ is still taken in two doses, so check which type you have first.) Single dose emergency contraception is now emerging, too. It is currently most common to find the single tablet option in pharmacies, although NHS services will soon be catching up. Whether you receive a single tablet or two tablets, the methods are equally effective because the dose is the same.
Most types contain levels of synthetic oestrogen with progestogen - hormones that are similar to those found in the body - and work by preventing the egg from being implanted in the womb.
Natural methods
Using natural indicators, such as changes in body temperature and/or cervical mucus, a woman is able to calculate what days she is fertile each month. When she knows she is fertile, she and her partner avoid sex or use a barrier method such as condoms. These techniques can be complicated, however, and take a great deal of commitment.
Hormonal contraceptives
Hormones are basically chemicals that occur naturally in the body, which are used to control certain functions. Some hormones can be created artificially, and used to encourage the body to behave in a certain way. Hormonal methods of contraception are a safe and effective method of birth control for women, though none protect against sex infections.
A pill too late?
As soon as a man's penis becomes hard or erect, it leaks a few drops of semen (liquid which contains sperm). This liquid is called pre-ejaculate or 'pre-cum'. If you're not using contraception and the penis enters the vagina there is a risk of pregnancy even if the man doesn't ejaculate or withdraws before ejaculating.
There are two main types of pill, the combined pill and the progestogen only pill. If they are taken correctly, the combined pill is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, and the progestogen only pill is 99% effective.
There are different rules about missed pills depending on whether it is the progestogen only pill or the combined pill, so it's worth checking what type of pill your girlfriend is on.
It's very unlikely if your girlfriend's pregnant if she:
- Has been taking all her pills correctly;
- Didn't miss any or take any later than the advised time;
- Didn't vomit or have severe diarrhoea;
- Didn't take any other medicines that might have affected the pill.
Are oil based lubricant are safe
Oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms, causing them to be ineffective. So if you use condoms during sexual contact, it's important not to use an oil-based lubricant.
Some oil-based lubricants may contain elements such as nut traces, which can trigger allergies. For this reason, always check the ingredients list, especially if you or your partner have allergic reactions.
To find out whether or not using oil could lead to an infection in the rectum it's best to seek advice from someone who is medically trained, for example a sexual health advisor at your local GUM clinic or your local doctor (GP). Alternatively you can get medical advice over the phone from a nurse via the fpa on 0845 310 1334.
Water-based lubricants are available free from most family planning clinics, GUM clinics and some GPs. If you're looking to buy in bulk you could try contacting a reputable condom distributor such as Durex or an online shop such as 14condoms.
Why does it take millions of sperm to fertilize an egg?
Seriously, the short and sweet answer is this: the 200 - 600 million sperm normally found in ejaculate increases the chance that some will reach a mature egg, eventually with just one being able to enter and fertilize it. Evolution likely accounts for the high sperm count in a typical ejaculate — a male who is able to produce more sperm obviously has a better likelihood of fertilizing a female than his competitors. In some species, this male may be the one with the largest testicles, which produce more sperm than smaller sized balls.
So, what happens to most of the released sperm on their journey to the egg? Well, as sperm swim through the vaginal canal and into the cervix, they hit a "fork in the road," so to speak. At this juncture, some sperm travel to one fallopian tube, while the rest move on to the other. However, only one fallopian tube has a fertile egg at a given time. The sperm that do not reach an "impasse" surround the mature egg and compete with the other sperm in trying to penetrate it. If a woman's sexual and reproductive health are in good working condition, the first sperm to cross the finish line (enter the egg) succeeds in fertilizing it. "Helper" sperm can also be credited for easing fertilization by allowing this particular sperm access to and contact with the mature egg during its trip. With conception initiated, the now fertilized egg sets off some mechanisms, such as thickening of cervical mucus and hardening of its outer surface (zona pellucida), to block all other sperm from entering the egg.
Interestingly, some researchers have theorized that sperm have adapted to take on certain roles, other than for fertilization. For example, abnormal sperm that cannot fertilize may instead function to find and destroy or block competing sperm from other males that also may be making the rounds through a female's reproductive tract. This hypothesis is not without controversy. Alternatively, other researchers have argued that abnormal sperm are simply abnormal. Regardless, it's agreed that more research needs to be done on sperm structure and function before greater consensus can be made.