Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mens are not using Condoms


0% of men over 40 years of age are having unsafe sex, according to a national survey in Australia. These old are putting their partner at risk due to these unprotected sex practices. This is very high among rural and uneducated men. This unsafe sex practice is higher than young man. They are not using condoms due to lack of sexual health awareness and carelessness. Most surprising and risky finding is 30% of surveyed men never used condom in their life. The survey was done by Monash University on 5990 men aged over 40 by telephone interview. They are regularly participating in casual sex without using condoms and are playing major role in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. 90% of them had sex in the past one year and are having regular partner.

This rate will be very high in developing countries due to low sex health education. Use of condoms will reduce the spread of STDs.

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